"Harris' new novel tells the remarkable life story of a modern-day miracle worker. He expertly and adroitly plays each plotline against the other to create a gripping sense of narrative momentum. The slow, controlled portrayal of adult Theo's progress toward personal redemption is commanding...and culminates in a series of chapters with hefty emotional impact. THE SUBSTANCE OF ALL THINGS is a dramatic and cumulatively powerful tale of one man's healing." (Kirkus)
"A stunning debut novel. A powerful, aching, deeply felt, finely tuned story which will move readers." starred review indicating exceptional merit (Publishers Weekly)
5 out of 5 stars - A must read. "A fine debut novel...touching...healing...a powerful story." (Indie Reader)
"A mesmerizing novel. Poignant and devastatingly evocative, this story about faith, frauds, fear, and finding peace will win over any fan of heartbreaking and heartwarming 20th-century Americana literature." (Editor's Pick - BookLife)
"Hardly a typical first novel, THE SUBSTANCE OF ALL THINGS is absorbing, lush, and packed with adventure, tenderness and a gallery of memorably eccentric and deftly drawn characters. TSOAT evokes John Irving's work and also calls to mind Conroy's 'Prince of Tides. It's a knockout!" (Bay Area Reporter)
“This is an exquisitely-threaded, gripping, and satisfying coming-of-age novel, full of family, friendship, churches, charlatans, mentors, and mystical abilities. Readers will be engaged and enthralled from the first page until the last. The prose here is sophisticated, clear, and wholly memorable, and serves to enhance the exceptional narrative that the author has crafted. The premise behind this wonderful novel is unique, effective, and entirely fresh. The characters are quite amazingly drawn, especially Theo and Frank. Theo, the sensitive young healer, is reminiscent of some of John Irving's young characters.” (Finalist for The BookLife Prize)