I love and try to live by that phrase so much that I had it tattooed on my arm…
I believe that it is by giving that we receive, and that our sole purpose on this earth is to make it a better place. That can be through our work, through our families and friendships, by speaking up for what is right, and by giving a hand up to people who are in need.
Aside from my asking, begging, you to vote and march and vote and write letters and vote vote vote, I have chosen two organizations that I offer as a place to donate what you can and really make a difference in this world.
I was verbally and physically bullied as a kid. There was no one there to help. The schools had no tools and turned a blind eye. Going to my parents was impossible and would have been embarrassing. Stomp Out Bullying is the leading national nonprofit dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying and cyberbullying, educating against homophobia and discrimination of all kinds of racism and hate, and deters violence in schools and in communities across the country.
The first is Stomp Out Bullying
Don’t Yuk My Yum is the first song I’ve ever written that I didn’t record myself. It began when my son, Cooper, came home from school, and I negatively commented on something he said that he liked. “Don’t Yuk My Yum, Dad!” I heard him loud and clear. So I wrote a song. And then writer/producer Kyle Puccia came on board to co-create it with me. I got Suzi Rose to do her fierce vocal! Then newcomer, Jason Rose, replied to a Craigslist ad for a rapper and wrote and recorded his part! Then director, Andy Putschoegl, and I decided to make a music video. We wanted to make it universal representing all people. REAL PEOPLE! We had an open call in Los Angeles and the turnout was amazing. It was a long day of shooting and we ended up with 3 ½ hours of footage for a 3 minute song. After endless editing, we got what we hoped for: SIXTY PEOPLE PUTTING IT OUT THERE!! Every single one believing in DYMY as a personal declaration.
I have had the great blessing of knowing that his song has been sung and danced to in schools all over the country. I hope it speaks to you.
Writers: Sam Harris and Kyle Puccia. Sung By: Suzie Rose. Featuring Rap Written & Performed by: Jason Rose. Director: Andrew Putschoegl. Director of Photography: Kelly Travis. Editors: Andrew Putschoegl & Sam Harris. Motion Graphics: Runjeev Ignatius. Choreographer: Jeremy Lucas. Assistant Choreographer: JD Morabito. Production Coordinator: Justine Baldwin. Production Assistants: River Lund & Jeremy Christian. Web & Social Media: Jennifer J Russell.
MUSIC VIDEO CAST FEATURING: Jason Rose * Ben Dowdy * Leslie Marrero * Carene Rose Mekertichyan * Tracy Sabo * Nicole Tchounga WITH: Carson Abalos * Morgan Abalos * Gabrielle Baba-Conn * Cassidy May Benullo * Eugene Boyd * Jeremy Christian * Jonah Cochran * Anna Cox * Tessa Cox * Lily Daugherty * Remy Davis * Lucas Dianda * Catherine Dietschak * Julia Dietschak * Daniel DiMaggio * Ra'Shawn Durrell * Ryan Edge * Emma Factora * Ben K. Garon * Cormac Gilvary * Andre’s Giraldo * Sam Harris * Cooper Harris-Jacobsen * Donna Jason * Hannah Hunter * Danny Jacobsen * Grace Kaufman * JD Morabito * Noah Kennedy * Russell Kennedy * Stuart Kennedy * Noah Krzywdzinski * Amanda LaCount * Grace Lorey * River Lund * Julia Masari * Rhiannon Nazryan-Carpenter * Callahan Papavasilopoulos * Larianny Perez * Breann Pimenta * Cameron Policastro * Isabella Pugliese * Marcella Pugliese * Francene Senatin * Adam Sroujieh * Stephanie Torres * Milena Valdez * Maya White * Ivy Wolk * Lily Zager * Olivia Zenetzis Special Thanks: Billy Brooks * Nathan Brunskill * Bubba’s Chop Shop * Ian Nelson * Ben Silverman
MUSIC VIDEO CAST FEATURING: Jason Rose * Ben Dowdy * Leslie Marrero * Carene Rose Mekertichyan * Tracy Sabo * Nicole Tchounga WITH: Carson Abalos * Morgan Abalos * Gabrielle Baba-Conn * Cassidy May Benullo * Eugene Boyd * Jeremy Christian * Jonah Cochran * Anna Cox * Tessa Cox * Lily Daugherty * Remy Davis * Lucas Dianda * Catherine Dietschak * Julia Dietschak * Daniel DiMaggio * Ra'Shawn Durrell * Ryan Edge * Emma Factora * Ben K. Garon * Cormac Gilvary * Andre’s Giraldo * Sam Harris * Cooper Harris-Jacobsen * Donna Jason * Hannah Hunter * Danny Jacobsen * Grace Kaufman * JD Morabito * Noah Kennedy * Russell Kennedy * Stuart Kennedy * Noah Krzywdzinski * Amanda LaCount * Grace Lorey * River Lund * Julia Masari * Rhiannon Nazryan-Carpenter * Callahan Papavasilopoulos * Larianny Perez * Breann Pimenta * Cameron Policastro * Isabella Pugliese * Marcella Pugliese * Francene Senatin * Adam Sroujieh * Stephanie Torres * Milena Valdez * Maya White * Ivy Wolk * Lily Zager * Olivia Zenetzis Special Thanks: Billy Brooks * Nathan Brunskill * Bubba’s Chop Shop * Ian Nelson * Ben Silverman 〰️
My second ask is for you to give generously to The Trevor Project.
If you’ve read my book, “HAM,” or seen the live production or film of “HAM: A Musical Memoir,” you know that I attempted suicide when I was 16-years-old. I had no one to talk to before I made the nearly fatal decision to take my life. Thankfully, The Trevor Project exists today so that teenagers like I was have somewhere to turn.
Together, we can make sure that LGBTQ+ young people who need support nationwide know they are not alone. Your donation provides crisis services free of charge 24/7, it expands digital crisis services to reach more young people, it trains a record number of volunteers, and enables work with policymakers to pass legislation protecting young LGBTQ+ people. Your support saves lives.
Together, we can make sure that LGBTQ young people who need support nationwide know they are not alone. Our mission is to be there for every single one — will you join us and donate today? Your support will help:
Provide crisis services free of charge and 24/7 — including TrevorLifeline, TrevorText, and TrevorChat
Expand our digital crisis services to reach more young people
Train a record number of volunteers
Enable our work with policymakers to pass legislation protecting young LGBTQ people